A more substantial tract based on the testimony of the well-known novelist, Ayako Miura. Her friends were greatly surprised when they heard that she had become a Christian as she had always viewed Christians as pious and arrogant and viewed their faith as a Western religion. How could someone change so dramatically? She tells her story beginning with how she resigned her job as a schoolteacher following Japan’s defeat in the war, ashamed at having taught the children things that were fundamentally wrong. Soon afterwards she developed tuberculosis and spent the next thirteen years in and out of hospital, including seven years immobilised in a plaster cast. She was overwhelmed by a sense of the futility of life but her nihilistic view was challenged by the Christian faith of a childhood friend.

Her journey to faith was a long one with many questions and barriers to be overcome but she was eventually baptised in her hospital bed. To explain the gospel message she quotes a passage from her well-known novel, Shiokari Pass, in which a travelling preacher speaks to the passing crowds on a street corner. He tells of our basic sinfulness and self-centredness and of how Jesus loved us enough to die for us so that we could be forgiven. Ayako Miura concludes the tract by describing how her life was transformed by this love and tells the reader that God wants them to experience this love too. The tract also contains a chronology of Ayako Miura's life and a bibliography of her works.

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