Getting involved Praying for Japan Praying for Japan Prayer for Japan and the Japanese people is critically important. Faithful Christians around the world joining together to ask the Lord to move in power among these spiritually needy people is key, please join us! We appreciate greatly the work of all those who support us and all of our Mission Partners and Network Partners in this way. “Faithful Christians around the world joining together to ask the Lord to move in power among the Japanese is critically important” JCL Director of Mission, Selvan Anketell If you would like to get involved in this there are a number of options: Ask to receive our regular Praise & Prayer letter. This is issued approximately semi-annually and has up-to-date prayer requests from our Partners and for the work of JCL in general. Use the JCL Japan Prayer Calendar to pray through general topics for Japan as well as specifically for our Partners and the JEB churches. Ask to receive prayer letters from one or more of our Mission Partners. Each of our Misison Partners writes a prayer letter once every few months, with an update on their activities and items for prayer. Join our online monthly Prayer for Japan meetings which take place on the last Thursday of each month in the evening, UK time. More details of these are available on our events page. All of these resources are available either in hard copy or by email, please do contact us to receive these, or any other general information to enable you to pray. Don't forget also to sign up for our JCL Newsletter which you can do in the panel immediately below by entering your email address. In addition there are a number of groups that meet regularly to pray for Japan either online or in person (where feasible). If you would like to find out whether there is one in your area, please contact us. Manage Cookie Preferences