The Angelus

The tract discusses this famous painting from the viewpoint of ‘Family, Work and Faith’. A hard-working couple stand in the fields at the end of the day with their heads bowed in prayer. Here we see the basis of family life as a husband and wife working together and supporting each other in the face of the trials and tribulations of daily life. We also see their acceptance and thankfulness for their work – even though it is hard and exhausting. It is a reminder that we should be thankful for our work at all times. But it is their faith in the one true God that supports both their relationship together and their attitude towards their work. Today there are many people who have a family and are successful in their work but still fail to find fulfilment and happiness. That is because they lack the relationship with God, which supports and gives meaning to our lives. Jesus said, ‘Man does not live by bread alone but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God.’ This painting reminds us of that truth. The tract also contains a quotation from Matthew 6:31-33.